The kit is called Rainbow Dreams.
This is her preview of this beautiful dreamy kit.

This kit is created in soft rainbow colors. You can use this kit for all your childrens photos, summer or spring photos, for baby pages and especially for dreamy pages. It's 132 MB and includes 14 various papers in soft rainbow colors, textured and some patterned.
There are beautiful elements in this, like diamonds, bubbles, floral swirl, great frames and an awesome rainbow. More than 60 elements!!!
It's 20% off now at Sunshine Studio; for just $ 4,72 you get a lot of stuff to play with.
For my first LO I used an extracted photo from the daughter of Melissa aka crossroadscca at iconsbg-crewstock. You can find some more beautiful photos of this fairy here.

For the second LO I used my own photo of the daughter of friends. She loves wondering around with animals. One gorgeous fantasy world.