Lorie Davison's newest kit crawled into her store
at Scrapbookgraphics. Lorie's describtion of this kit:
Have you ever felt like just, going for it, and eating some worms? Me neither. But if you were a duck you certainly might - unless you lived here in Don't Eat Worms World, of course, where ducks and worms practice trapeze tricks together, read great literature, go on walkies in the city, and ride beetle taxis. In Don't Eat Worms World you can soar over the landscape in the most stylish gas baloons through rainstorms or rainbows, read books with bookworms in a real book store, or ride your unicycle over rolling meadows to snooze under mushroom trees. I like it here. You might too because Don't Eat Worms World has been turned, plucked, gassed, wiggled, and tweeked to satisy your artistic pleasure! Lorie is so creative and artistic, I love her!!
It's a really beautiful kit with 37 papers, wordarts, alpha and soooooooooooo many elements. Too much to mention, you really have to look in the shop of Scrapbookgraphics to see what's inside!!
And it's in the store now with 20% off!!!!
Here are previews of the kit and the papers.

These pages I've made with it.

And here you see our youngest daughter Nicole (a real teenager) looking at a poster of herself when she was younger (looking like a bookworm with the stack of books, lol).