Here's a preview of this kit:

And here are two layouts I made with it.

I was so glad I could play with this kit. Joelle has more great kits. If you like whimsical and fantasy kits you really should check out her store at Scrappity-Doo-Dah.
How about Magical Dreams? Look at the moon with the sleeping magical figure!
Isn't this too cute for your sleeping kids photos?

Here's a page from me.

And I can't leave out her kit Where fairies grow. The unicorn in this is so beautiful. My DD still wants me to scrap a picture of her on this unicorn in a magical place. Also on my to-do list, hehe!!!
My good friend Carinpixels did a kit review of "Where fairies grow", you can read it here.
A page from me with this kit. This was a RAK from me for Carena using a photo of her daughter Caitlyn.

And the latest newest addition to Joelle's store is Little Nymph.
The frogs and waterlilies are so awesome. Not to mention the gorgeous papers included.
Here's a preview:

Here's a page I've made.

I think you can understand now why I was in seventh heaven when I got a PM of Joelle in which she told she was looking for some CT members!! I didn't need another moment to think about this and I immediately applied for her CT.
And guess what: she asked me to join her wonderful team!!!! Yahoo, I'm so happy to join Joelle's team.
The last two weeks was very busy for me and because of the great weather of last weekend I didn't scrap very much, but this will be better soon I hope. Because I'm looking forward in working with Joelle's kits some more.
Joelle, thank you so much for having me as part of your team!!!