Joelle’s newest kit is called Joelle's Story Book and you can find it in the store of Scrappity-Doo-Dah. It’s a lovely kit with awesome storybook figures.
Here are two previews of the papers and the elements of Joelle’s Story Book.

And I made two layouts with it.

I made a layout with it, which I may offer you as freebee! Thank you Joelle!! For the link to the QP you go to the bottom of this post.
On the layout (and freebee QP) I also used a Word Art which was made by Bethany at my request. I loved to see a WA made by Bethany from a quote of my favorite movie Titanic, so I asked her if she could make one for me. And she did! Love you, Bethany.
If you like Bethany’s wordarts you should see the ones in her store at Scraporchard. And her blog is awesome to read too, look here.

You can download my QP freebee HERE.