The first thing as CT Leader is to put out a CT Call at Joelle's request.

Step in the magical world of Joelle Designs.
Requirements are:
2 LO’s per kit, upload to 3 galleries: SDD, DST en ESS, check in to our CT forum, be an active member of SDD and have fun.
Please submit:
a link to your best gallery, a list of your current CT’s, a short bio, blog link (if you have one).
Send your application to
You can find Joelle’s stores here at Scrappity-Doo-Dah and here at Enchanted Studio Scraps.
You can also see Joelle's blog Design2Create to read more about her kits.
I'm looking forward to seeing your applications!
And here's a Sneak Peek of the newest kit of Joelle to be released in her stores on Tuesday!