And the first kit I could play with is Kimla's newest kit 4U available in her store tomorrow, Thursday January 7th. The papers are beautiful and with neutral colors and the elements are lots of flowers and strings.
This page I made with 4U. It's a RAK for my colleague who got a granddaughter some weeks ago. The photo is of his granddaughter Zoe.

And when you visit Kimla's blog this evening and leave a comment you can be the lucky winner of this kit!!
4 opmerkingen:
Beautiful layout!
O wow...geweldig dat je voor kimla design wat mag creeeren!!! Super..lief zijn de kittens he;-) ik ben er nu al dol op...!! en we houden er geen..anders heb ik alleen maar familie hier in huis..heb namelijk 2 zussie en papa in huis..!xxx
Very sweet page!
wat een prachtige kleuren combi!!
erg mooie layout!
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